ridersoosakamacchamachiten Japan Tax-free Shop


Store Overview

Address 543-0076
2-6-15, Shitaderamachi, Tennoji-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
TEL 06-6774-0474
FAX 06-6774-0471
E-mail R-matsuya@upgarage.com
Opening hours Weekdays 11: 00-20: 00 Sundays and holidays 11: 00-20: 00
Closed Every Tuesday
Accepted Credit Cards
We don’t accept it.

Message from the store manager


店長 If you have any unnecessary motorcycle supplies / parts, please bring them. I will buy you a bang! We appreciate just appraising! Please feel free to visit us first. All the staff are waiting from the bottom of my heart.

Store map


Information on neighboring stores

※ The following stores are those within 30km from ridersoosakamacchamachiten.
※ The distance is mesured from ridersoosakamacchamachiten.

Store Information Business hours Notice

ridersoosakamacchamachitenPurchase Area Serviced by

Osaka Fukushima city Osaka city Osaka city Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Nishi ku Osaka shi Minato Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Tennoji ward Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka city Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shi Osaka shin Osaka shi City Sumiyoshi-ku Osaka-shi Higashi-Sumiyoshi Osaka-shi Nishinari-ku Osaka-shi Suminoe-ku Osaka-shi Hirano-ku Osaka-shi Kita-ku Osaka shi ward Sakai shi Sakai ku Yachio shi Matsubara-shi Higashi osaka shi Others There are many purchase results areas!